Zhenya Ivanov, Evik, CPA Lenta and the spam team working with conditionally free traffic WhiteCore are the actors of this small story, which clearly shows that the growth of the media buying market does not affect the quality of this growth in any way. Telegram channel admins receive a huge number of messages like this. Zero tact and communication skills, zero respect for the affiliate marketing community and business communications.

Below is a little story of one team that decided to promote themselves with spam, and when that failed — they decided to buy themselves a reputation. Let’s break down this “case” step by step.

Disclaimer! This story lasted for two months and WhiteCore wrote from many different accounts, so there may be some confusion in the story. If you have any questions — feel free to comment below and we will definitely respond.

How it all started

As you know, CPA Lenta has a large list of channels and chats. Yes, there’s not enough time to host everything, but that’s not the point of these channels and chats either. The point is the folder of 50+ chats that these guys decided to spam with self-ads from 10(!!!) accounts, turning other people’s chats, into which time, effort, and money have been invested, into a spam dumpster.

You might say something like, “Well, that’s a classic story for chats,” and you’d be right, but there’s one “but” — this is not just any team’s advertising but that of savvy guys who recruit “traffers” to pour into their “affiliate network”, that doesn’t really exist. The partner in this case is simply represented by a link from 1win. Classic traffic reselling.

By the way, here we can insert information from the guys at 1win so you better understand who we are talking about and not think about giving them money which they will at best blow away. Request for info from the CEO of 1win:

Comment from the CVO of 1win:

Comments received and we no longer involve the guys in the conflict. 

A confession from a WhiteCore owner about how they spent 1win’s money 

And immediately the lies from the owner of WhiteCore about their cooperation with Teftelka + admission of spamming directly from the spam company’s owner:

Lies in a private message to Evik from the owner of WhiteCore. This happened at the moment when they were preparing to make a commercial offer to Teftelka so that he would write that the conflict was smoothed over and they are decent guys 🙂

In their proofs, they swear they sent it once accidentally but here says quite the opposite.

Actually – they spammed from a dozen pages and across all 50 chats and not just ours. And even after we posted information about this spam, it continued and they were regularly informed about this problem.

Let’s return to the start of the story. After such spam promotion across CPA Lenta chats, Andrei Teftelka posted such a post on the relevant channel. Emotional? Yes. The thesis “Spam company” justified? Quite. Are they scammers if there’s no money for advertising and development? Possibly! But more on that later.

Consequences of the post and attempts to resolve the issue

Not for nothing in affiliate marketing does reputation play a big role. The post stirred up trouble and things for the guys went worse than before. For two months they wrote from different accounts and asked to delete the post. Eventually, it turned into what they do best — spam in personal messages 24/7. 

Among the interesting points: 

  • They tried to make some kind of “commercial offer”. In translation, they asked to write a post about them stating everything is now fine and the conflict is resolved. This was done at the same time when they wanted to get a deposit from Evik — coincidence? I think not! We fear to imagine what would happen if Teftelka took back his words, removed all info about them, and said they were okay. 
  • In the blacklist channel, posts appeared stating that the guys do not pay partners, but when deceived contractors wrote in the Black List channel, they immediately paid them. Naturally, not all victims try to seek justice, so there are clearly more deceived. And many do not know about this channel. 

Another moment: by spamming potential employees, they took whoever they could. For example – admin scammers who took the mediabuyers’ payments for themselves. Here’s one of the stories from a neutral market participant who was also paid (after 3 months) when he complained about them.

The next complaint, let’s say, is this complaint about the admin account in their chat with the note “Father”. 

Think for yourself 🙂 

They didn’t send us anything more so we don’t provide a link to it.

What others say:

Some accounts from which they wrote with the SCAM tag.

And most importantly, they REFUSE the proposal to work honestly for years, build up a reputation and status. 

Only a couple of screenshots remain, the rest in this post:

Attempts to buy other media and major bloggers 

When they realized they couldn’t reach an agreement with Andrei, the guys decided that they could make paid placements in other places. Apparently from the logic that the negative would get lost amidst positive stories. But they didn’t consider that all guys in the media communicate well and all this quickly became public knowledge.

By the way, Evik briefly outlined the essence of these guys in his channel (they ask for PR from many):

Naturally, this was followed by punishment. Whoever and however related to Evgeny Yurievich’s activities, in this case, he acted well. Now with a click on the channel (link to which is in hundreds of posts) everyone can read about the activities they are involved in.

The cherry on top — attempt at counterattack aka blackmail 

The guys decided to force us to peace by another method. On the now deleted channel, a post came out listing all the situations that offended them. There’s no sense in attaching the entire post as there are too many screenshots. Because what’s interesting here is something else.

Comment from Teftelka: 

I admit everything but I do not deny a single word of mine. I have resentment (they were the first to write to me that “I was under something” see their post above although I just sent spammers) and I still rage about their spam that continued even after numerous complaints. Everything is exactly as I said even if said in the heat of the moment. If you weren’t there – there wouldn’t be any spam or dirty stories related to you. 

After the publication of this post, the guys decided that their public weight still meant something and offered to make peace with a proposal to delete the post about Andrei in exchange for mutual deletion of all materials in CPA Lenta channels:

Some admins from their chat started self-destructing accounts:

Above there is a participant-admin under the nickname Shashlik. Here everything is simple. In private, he writes to us to delete posts about them as they are his close ones but in fact – he is one of the instigators of the spam attacks. This is their close one who works for them and FORCES TO SPAM WITHOUT PAY! And they call this a vacancy… For them, spammers are expendable.

As we see, there’s no money left for advertising! Since 1win will no longer send it. Therefore, they need to spam admins in the hope that they will agree to post ads for free for a percentage of the lost funds. And then not pay the admins to cover debts? Add them to your spam list right away. 

This information is for the admin audience of non-affiliate marketing channels. 

Was there an excess of expressions by Teftelka? 

The cherry on top — the channel that WhiteCore set up in which they ONLY show what is advantageous for them to show that they are white and fluffy and were “slandered” or that they just got caught in the crossfire. Let’s now look at the facts: 

  • Are there facts of spam and dirty work on their part? Yes. If you scrolled past, return to the screenshots above — many performers and advertisers were thrown under the bus. 
  • Unwillingness to work honestly and build a reputation. Desire to “fix” everything quickly. 
  • Writing to a person for months with imposing useless dialogs — exists. 

How long would you tolerate such treatment? How should one communicate with those who throw other people for money? We’ll leave that to your judgment. That’s all! 

P.S. Here is a link to their channel with their “proofs” – @CPA_Lentaa that I insulted them and said that there would be new waves of posts if they don’t stop 😀 

The guys decided to embarrass themselves to the end. 

UPD. No, not all. Below we will continue to broadcast new information and data. 

Reaction from WhiteCore or “They actually promoted us” 

They think they were promoted and think that the words of CEO and CVO 1win are not proofs. They blatantly lie to their new spammers. Don’t want to add anything more here. And somehow they fight us by setting others against us (if only they told us) but in public, you are polite and in fact – rats.

Why then do you cry that many after this refuse to cooperate with you? Why are you sometimes sweet and then set future traffers to war with us? What is Teftelka supposed to lose if no one is fighting with you but simply broadcasting what is happening? Why after refusing to delete messages you then get a split personality and write threats?


They spam not only the affiliate marketing sphere but also dirty stories; they are afraid to use real names and photos unlike Teftelka all their accounts were created 3-4 months ago. So if anything, send us your stories or attempts at their rebranding and share this post with those who are thinking about working with them or not. It’s up to you to decide. 

More amusing details 

After Ivanov hijacked their username in their channel, views on posts sharply decreased.

We think that without the nickname it became harder to spin and the amusing part here is that the owner Dr. Dre asks for $5000 for advertising in their channel. And we think it would be a SCAM to pay such an amount for 300 views. 

Posts with manipulation:

Posts without manipulation:

Info gypsies 

As it turns out, the guys are jacks-of-all-trades and are involved in traffic and the crypto sphere. Of course, where would they be without selling courses on crypto.

The article will likely be updated. 

We apologize for the confusion at Teftelka bad habit of not keeping correspondence with those who do not cooperate with him (but only deletes on his side).