Let’s consider two testing schemes for landing page, offer, and creative combinations, methods for calculating the minimum budget, and key metrics for analyzing the results.

Testing Scheme #1

In this scheme, all tested pre-landing pages with an order form are uploaded to the tracker or hosting for each offer. A set of creatives is then created for testing. The ads are launched for each offer, and the best combination is chosen: “Offer – Pre-Landing – Creative”. After this, the best combinations are launched, and the best overall one is selected.

If the Pre-Landing + Landing scheme is used, another variable is added, but the principle remains the same.

Testing Scheme #2

For the second scheme, the first step is to find the best combination of “Pre-Landing – Creative”, and then the offers are added to this chain. Afterward, the best combination “Offer – Pre-Landing – Creative” is determined.

When using the Pre-Landing + Landing scheme, an additional variable is added, but the principle stays the same.

Budget for Testing

To calculate the minimum budget required for the test, three main models are used.

Model 1: A budget is allocated based on three times the cost of conversion. For example, if the cost per conversion is $18, the test budget would be $18 * 3 = $54.

Model 2: This model takes into account the number of Pre-Landing/Landing pages, creatives used, and is calculated based on EPL (Earnings Per Landing).

Budget = EPL * number of Pre-Landing/Landing pages * number of Creatives.

For example, if the payout per offer is $20, the approval rate is 25%, the number of Pre-Landing/Landing pages is 4, and the number of creatives is 5, then EPL = 20 * 0.25 = $5. The test budget would be 5 * 4 * 5 = $100.

Model 3: In this model, the budget is based on the cost per click (CPC). On average, each Pre-Landing/Landing page gets 150-200 clicks. If the CPC is $0.05, the cost per landing page would be $7.5-$10.

Result Analysis

To analyze the results, the key metrics to compare for Pre-Landing/Landing are CR (Conversion Rate). For the overall chain “Landing – Creative”, the key metrics are ROI (Return on Investment) and EPC (Earnings Per Click).

For easier analysis, it’s recommended to generate a report in the tracker. Standard UTM tags are passed, and the report is based on parameters such as landing and Ad ID, especially if each ad features a unique creative. To simplify, the creative’s name can be included in the ad title, and the results can be analyzed by the “Ad Name” parameter.

The output will be a report that clearly shows the combination of Pre-Landing – Creative.

In this example, it’s clear that the combination of Landing1 – Creative1 is the best, as EPC and ROI are higher than the others, even though the CR is one of the lowest. Therefore, chains should primarily be compared based on EPC and ROI, and CR should be considered afterward.

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