Hello everyone, it’s Webvork! Affiliate marketing is a tough cookie, there are tons of steps between launching a campaign and enjoying the profit, and success depends on those interim steps. Every step matters because if you neglect one of them, you will get way less profit or even none at all.
For example, if you have a poor creative, your ad won’t pass the moderation process, and if it will, then you will have a low CTR, so the cost per lead will be high even if your CPM rates are all okay. If you have a bad transit or landing page, then you won’t get any profit even having 20 top-notch accounts, high CTR, low lead cost, and low CPM. You will get clicks but almost no conversions. And we aren’t even talking about the huge backend part that has to be set up correctly, otherwise, everything will just fail.
White pages are important assets on your path to profit, much like your website, creative, and backend. The algorithm looks at your white page before it can approve or deny your ad. Your white page’s quality is what makes your CPM (not entirely, but it does play a role in this as well). The higher the quality of your white page is, the longer will your account live. And your profit practically depends on your accounts’ lifecycles.
Today, we’re going to tell you about the rules you should follow to create a white page that will pass the moderation process and prolong your account’s life. Let’s go!
Must-follow rules for your white pages
Before you start doing affiliate marketing, you need to learn the rules of Facebook advertising. Without knowing the rules, you cannot advertise successfully, so beware. Here are Facebook’s rules for your white pages:
1. Lose all the words or mentions of alcohol, tobacco, wine, beer, whiskey, and so on. FB clearly states: advertising alcohol and tobacco products is prohibited. All sites must be carefully proofread before uploading them to the host and turning them into a white page. Imagine that you are driving traffic from Italy. Even if you have at least one forbidden word on your white page, such as, say, “birra”, which translates from Italian as “beer”, the algorithm will not let you pass.
2. Remove any images of alcohol, cigarettes, other tobacco products, and vaping devices. Moreover, it is better to remove any images of smoke or vape altogether, even from photographs that illustrate barbecue. The algorithm may interpret these items incorrectly and reject your ad. So, you will have to contact support, wait for their answer, and it’s not even promised that these actions will help. We don’t like to waste our time on nothing, so just remove all such elements.
3. Remove any before/after sections or anything similar to such before/after structures, promises of miraculous effects, a negative description of someone’s flaws, jokes about someone’s flaws, laughing at someone, the slightest humiliation of anyone or their state of being. Everything listed above is prohibited by Facebook rules. Of course, Facebook does not give any exact examples for all these parameters, which means that this rule will be interpreted in a way that is convenient for Facebook itself. An ad is immediately rejected even for the slightest suspicion of a violation of this paragraph. Remove everything from the white page that is related to the human body or people’s flaws (it doesn’t matter if it is written in a positive or negative way), don’t make any promises.
4. Remove any mentions of the ingredients of your product or the type of your product. Facebook does not prohibit writing the type and ingredients of products but the ingredients must comply with all laws and regulations of the GEO from which you drive traffic. That’d take too much time to study out, you will forget half of that the next day. Affiliates work with many GEOs, and it is simply impossible to know all their rules and regulations.
5. Any calls to buy products under a violent premise, or involving threats are prohibited. We will not describe this paragraph. In general, none of this should be on the site. There should be no references – direct, indirect, disguised, or otherwise.
6. Remove any mentions of hookahs, hookah places, smoking propaganda, the advantages of smoking, smoking methods, smoking devices, bongs, and so on. We have already written about tobacco products, but we want to focus on this. Let’s imagine that you’re using some Spanish restaurant as a white page. If there’s anything about hookahs written or depicted on the site, you won’t pass moderation. Even if there is a live photo of the menu that offers a hookah. Do not take this risk, browse the site carefully beforehand.
7. The site must have a Privacy Policy page. This is a must for any website. You can create this page using Privacy Policy generators.
8. Privacy Policy and Cookies. This requirement is advisory. If the site you downloaded to be your white page did initially have these aspects, then it is better to leave them be. Or you can always add them yourself.
Please note that these rules do not only work for white pages, they also apply to white products. If you drive traffic without content cloaking but do so directly to the website, then your site must also comply with all these rules.
The Facebook algorithm is not perfect, it can also pass a site with an image of alcoholic products. It’s rare, but it happens. You should not hope this happens, this is just an exception to the rule. An account with such a white page will live less anyway, and our long-term goal is to extend its life any way we can. So if you want your accounts to live long, you must follow the rules.
Creating a white page on our own
There are many ways to create a white page, we will choose one of the easiest. We will find a site for our GEO online, let’s say, for Spain, and upload it directly to the tracker or hosting.
Before we do this, there is one more rule to consider. It is recommended that the white page matches the theme of the creative. It is not always possible to do this, but if you can, then do. If not, then the white page should be as neutral as possible.
Look for sites on the following topics: cafes, restaurants, personal blogs, and fitness centers. These topics are enough to make enough good white pages for at least a year. When you find a suitable white page, you need to understand how large that site is. If the site has 15-20 pages, then it is better not to download it completely since it may take a long time to open, or there may be a limit on the size of the website on the tracker or hosting. Download the site so that you have enough memory. For example, 2-3 pages will be enough, but you can even limit yourself to 1 page.
If the site complies with all the rules that we listed above, if the site is neutral or matches your creative, then it will most likely pass moderation (provided that everything is fine with the creative, your fan page, ad copy, etc.).
Here are some white pages that have passed moderation before
We asked some experienced affiliates to comment on this topic
1. Daniil Alexeev, the owner of the creatives studio The Kreativy
It’s best to make your white page relevant to your creative.
If you have an eyesight offer, then find an optician’s website, etc.
Even if you get banned for circumventing the security system or any other ban, still file to get the ban lifted. We get this and then get unbanned like everybody.
2. Dmitry Esipov, the IM GROUP | IM KLO team founder
Based on my experience, I recommend you create multi-page white websites, they pass moderation more often. However, there are many aspects to this. A very simple single-page site can pass the moderation process, this also depends on domains and other parameters.
We believe that the topic of that website doesn’t really matter.
Now you know the rules that a white page must follow. Make sure to abide by these and your affiliate path will become a tad easier.
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